

Apparently, each of us sometimes lacks optimism, joy and hope for the best. And often in such situations absolutely simple things come to the rescue. One little thing can sometimes improve the mood and contribute to the fact that a smile appears on the face and confidence in the best in the heart. That is why the YES brand chose the Smiley brand as its partner.

Everyone is so used to seeing this symbol, but few people know how old and interesting its history is. It's hard to believe, but the SMILE familiar to everyone was created as early as 1963. Its author was the American artist Harvey Bellow. Once an insurance company commissioned him to design an image that could lift the mood of employees during the working day.

Harvey did not invent technically complex compositions. The picture was extremely simple, but so apt that it was better than dreaming. The customer received his drawing: two dots in the place of the eyes and a curved line that resembled a smile. And it was all drawn in a simple yellow circle.

Surprisingly, Harvey's idea became extremely popular. It was not only borrowed and copied, but also given greater meaning. Thus, over time, the SMILE turned from an ordinary image for an insurance company into a real symbol of optimism, joy, happiness, affection, inspiration.

Subsequently, the image actively began to appear in the media. Everywhere you could find advertisements, videos with a happy Smiley. With the development of technology and the advent of smartphones, Smiley "moved" into the digital space. It is on its basis that the emojis that we currently use when typing messages were created.

Such an interesting path was followed by a small yellow circle that smiles. More than 50 years ago and today, Smiley does the job it was created to do - cheer up. He reminds that even in difficult moments of life, it is worth maintaining optimism and hope for the best.

With YES licensed products that officially use the Smiley brand image, enjoying every minute will be much easier. Even if it's about being in unfavorite classes. Smiley stationery from YES will not let you get bored and give up. After all, this is exactly the "little thing" that can change the mood and help find inspiration. Simply choose Smiley backpacks, notebooks, pencil cases, pens and more and create your own positive school collection.